With the rise of pollution and global warming, more people are becoming conscious of the environment. Influencers are working towards a cleaner future. Spread out on different platforms, you’ll have different approaches to learn more. From Youtube to IG, these influencers will give you a green look into sustainable living.

Day-to-Day Blogging

On Instagram, you’ll see more daily activity from these eco-friendly, sustainable individuals. With these grams, you’ll see collectives and individuals working towards a greener, sustainable culture for all.

Wasteland Rebels

Emphasizing her “zero-waste” lifestyle, Shia is all about doable, practical tips and tutorials on creating a sustainable living. Her Instagram works as a blog with captions describing modern-day struggles with zero-waste culture.

Focused on the day-to-day aspect of sustainability, Shia writes and blogs about her daily life. She is friendly and open about her experiences, creating a large following trusting her opinions and DIY tips towards a greener lifestyle.


Be Zero Waste

Look through her filtered profile and take in the beauty of Andrea’s thoughtful advocacy. She talked on TedX, volunteers at an animal shelter, and writes to her followers. Focusing on meditative and wellness measures, Andrea is a welcoming and caring guide.


We Make It Last 

Created by a network of fashion creatives, Make It Last is a style and sustainability centered community. They work with media content, consult brands, and creative audiences to provide their readers with information and content.

Inciting smart, conscious initiatives, audiences are asked to redefine what makes fashion so luxuric and inspiring. As a creative agency, every project is worked on a small scale to produce their authentic content. Also focusing on their female-driven global sisterhood, they speak out on progression and change.


Remake Our World 

Remake Our World focuses more on the fashion aspect of sustainability, primarily its protest towards fast fashion. They believe in letting their audience and consumers know every step of the fashion industry: its invisible makers and the planet’s cost. They aim to clean up the fashion industry’s environmental and social cost.



With physical stores both in LA and NYC, CAP Beauty is a hub for wellness and sustainable beauty. CAP Beauty prides themselves in 100% natural, organic products. They give their customers direct insight into what it means to be organic and natural in today’s industry terms. If you live in either city, they usually post about events and creators that share the same vision.



Wear I Live

Fashionable, creative, and loving, Jenny is an NYC-based sustainable fashion and beauty influencer. She posts video-essays on sustainable fashion and often vlogs on her own hardships growing into that lifestyle. Jenny also has a plant-based diet and actively searches for better options for her and her viewers on a low budget.

Hitomi Mochizuki

Hitomi is a plant-based, spiritual influencer producing videos that inspire thrifting and thoughtful consuming. She also has an Instagram which she updates on her travels and thoughts throughout the day—also a Tantra Hatha Yoga Instructor. She also just released an app HitomiNow introducing meditation and yoga videos alongside vlogs and podcasts not featured on her Youtube.

Janell Kristina

For those who believe living environmentally friendly involves having disposable income and a free schedule, Janell proves you otherwise. Janell is an emergency nurse and an influencer producing content on Youtube and Instagram. Honing in on a more minimalist approach to living, she actively speaks out on injustices creating harmful fashion and lifestyle ethics.

Arden Rose

A more approachable Youtuber, Arden speaks to her viewers on a variety of topics from gardening to love advice. On Instagram, you can find her day-to-day life. She is not the strongest advocate for sustainability. She does believe in the general principles towards a greener future and speaks about this in videos.